Contact Us for a Free Consultation (832) 735-2454
  • Charged with DWI? One arrest could mean multiple cases.

    Criminal Case – ALR Case – Occupational Driver’s License Case -
    You have 15 short days before the state suspends your driver’s license.

    Contact Attorney Torres
  • Drink, Drive, Go to Jail

    This is NOT the law. However, police routinely suspect drivers of being intoxicated merely for admitting to consuming alcohol. Don’t plead guilty, fight!

    Contact Attorney Torres
  • What Separates One Lawyer from Another?

    Guts. Many lawyers talk the talk but very few announce ready for trial. Like a firm handshake, I loudly proclaim my readiness for trial while other lawyers hold their client’s plea paperwork in their hands.

    Contact Attorney Torres

Welcome! This site was designed to deliver as much information as possible and to assist you with tailored responses to your specific situation.

I understand right now you are scared and you don't know who to turn to for help. You have a court date looming and every day that passes increases your level of anxiety. The Texas criminal justice system can be swift and harsh. It begins from the moment you have those cold, steel handcuffs closed around your wrists cutting off your circulation and escorted to the officer's unit. Your mind wanders to how long it will take before you can see your family again and whether you will make it to work the next day. It is at this moment that you need someone that will not blink when arguing your case to the prosecutor or Judge. You need someone with a reputation that commands respect around the courthouse and who has the experience and guts to fight the government every step of the way. 

I am that lawyer. 

My Business Model

First, I restrict the number of clients I handle. Fewer cases means better, quality representation. Limiting my caseload means that I can devote more of my time to properly investigating cases and listening to my clients' particular needs. 

You talk to me. I won't waste your time leaving you on the phone with a receptionist.

I won't send an associate in my place when you have court.  I will be there to answer your questions and protect you.

Sunday Morning Honesty, No lawyer talk, Respect.

How Do We Get Started?

Call me to set up an initial consultation, either in person or virtually. Whatever is most convenient for you. We will discuss your case one on one so I can get the facts.

What Action Will I Take?

I begin by talking with you one on one, not through an associate.

I will review every aspect of your case so we can develop a strategy custom tailored to you.

Together, we will put together a mitigation packet that I will present to the District Attorney's office describing you in a better light rather than the cold, one-sided police report.

I will demand all the evidence from the District Attorney's office and discuss it with you.

I will fight for you until we get the results you are looking for. If the prosecutor does not give us what you deserve, then we set your case for a jury trial. Very often, going to trial is the only way to put the pressure on the District Attorney's office to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Lots of lawyers tout themselves as being a trial lawyer despite never having tried a case to a jury verdict. I will show you my trial experience and the thousands of cases that I have handled throughout my career. Demand the same from any lawyer with whom you talk!

What To Expect When You Call Me?

Respect. I don't assume your guilty. There are many fast-talking, smooth lawyers out there that have only one thing in mind - signing you up, taking your money and negotiating a quick plea bargain. They will settle for the quickest way out so they can move forward with their next client. To these lawyers, you are nothing more than a quick lick and a plea bargain. I dub these lawyers "plea artists"  because their only motivation is dodging your calls and holding your hand while you plead guilty dumping you off into the land of those with criminal records. They will pump you for as much money as you have and then leave you on the side of the road with the baggage that will follow you forever.

You deserve someone who will actually fight the charges against you.  It is a waste of your time and money to do otherwise. Hiring a cheap lawyer while he/she leads you by the elbow up to the Judge's bench to plead guilty is almost as bad as not having a lawyer at all. Hire a lawyer that has trial experience! Hire a lawyer that has won a jury trial! I have a reputation for fighting for every client that comes to me for help. I will show you my experience and trial victories.

If you are staring at your court date on your calendar, call me. Let's start with a conversation. I'm not going to sell you. That's not my style. I will answer your questions and give you a roadmap of what to expect. If you are accused of a crime, timing is important. Evidence is lost and witnesses leave. Let's preserve that evidence.

If you have been accused of a crime, whether it be a DWI or serious violent felony, call Sugar Land Criminal Lawyer, Ross Torres, to setup a free consultation.

The Right Attorney

Settling for a budget attorney with sketchy experience is the greatest disservice you can do to yourself and your case. The consequences of a criminal conviction demands an experienced, tenacious and compassionate lawyer to lead you through your journey.

Don't Take The Baggage of a Criminal Conviction With You

The best moment of any case is the moment of resolution when the ordeal is behind you and you are free to move on with your life. Ross Torres will fight to ensure that when you walk away from your case, you will have a clean record.
